Company details

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Contact Page
+420 311 671 880
Company details
IČO: 41194624
VAT: CZ41194624
Bedrnova 248/6
150 00, Praha 5
Osek 274
267 62, Komárov u Hořovic

Sales department

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Contact Page
Manager of trading department, Western Europe, USA
Ing. Milan Weisser
Central Europe, Russia, Eastern Europe
Jiří Král
+420 602 210 332
Czech Republic
Pavel Zdražil
+420 721 565 263
Krzysztof Krupa
+48 666 171 893
Michal Vaníček
+1 (825) 488-5063
Other Regions
Lukáš Balek
+420 606 036 958

Other contacts

Customizable Divider Example
Contact Page

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Product Interest Section

Are you interested in our services? Contact us or fill in the enquiry form. 


Product Interest Section

Are you looking for service for your machines? Contact our service department.